Nicole SheehanProfile Photo

Nicole Sheehan

DVM, holistic veterinarian and practice owner

Dr. Nicole Sheehan is an integrative veterinarian and practice owner in North Carolina. Shortly after graduating in 2004, she started accumulating certifications in various forms of alternative medicine, including but not limited to acupuncture, nutrition, herbal medicine, ozone, and PRP. She started her first integrative practice in 2013 in Davidson, North Carolina and has since opened three more practices in the Charlotte and Wilmington areas. She employs a team of 14 veterinarians serving over 20,000 patients, each practicing various levels of medicine, surgery, and alternatives. She has a passion for nutrition, detoxification, and longevity medicine, and currently sees mostly second opinions in her Davidson practice. She has 2 lovely children, 3 mutts, 2 geriatric cats and a tortoise.

socials: @nicolethevet. @wholepetvets

Oct. 2, 2023

Detox for Dogs with Cancer | Dr. Nicole Sheehan #229

Dr. Nicole Sheehan is a relentlessly open-minded integrative veterinarian and a liver detox expert.